Evergreen Hurricanes Financial Aid Program

Financial Aid Policy

EST, as a nonprofit organization, would like to do everything possible to keep swimmers in the pool when their families are experiencing financial difficulties. To request financial assistance for dues and/or registration a family must email a request to the Team Business Manager. Upon receipt of the request the Team Business Manager will issue a formal Financial Aid Request form that the family will be required to complete.

Upon receipt of the completed Financial Aid Request form, the Head Coach and Team Business Manager will review the request and determine a payment plan for the family for one swim season. Fees for swim meets and/or travel will not be included in financial aid. USAS registration is required and is not included in our registration or financial aid agreement. Once a plan is determined, the family will be required to sign a Financial Aid Agreement stipulating the terms of the financial assistance.

The EST Board maintains the right to revoke the financial aid agreement for any reason at any time. At the end of the swim season, if the family is still in need of aid, more financial information will be required, and a new agreement will need to be issued. If EST is experiencing financial difficulties no financial aid will be available.

Team Business Manager:

Kathy Hellard – [email protected]